Surely there are KEE friends who want to have a career in photography. Here, MinKEE shares some tips that can make your path easier!
1. Always learn all the time
Even a professional must always learn and explore, there is no such thing as STOP even if the individual has been very successful in the world of photography.
2. Look for inspiration at all times
Inspiration can come anytime and anywhere, starting from books, magazines, internet forums to social media that you always interact with every day, let's get started!
3. Show your work!
So, do you often feel inferior and don't want to show your work? Maybe even as simple as on social media? Avoid these feelings and start being open to criticism and suggestions so that KEE friends become more enthusiastic and trained. Every suggestion, criticism and input is very useful!
4. Take advantage of existing gear
Don't use tools as an excuse for not being able to produce work that "wows" in society. Each tool definitely has advantages and capacities that KEE friends can maximize. It doesn't necessarily mean that expensive gear always produces good work, don't you agree?
5. Practice, practice and practice.
Everyone has the same amount of time 24 hours a day, so the training portion can be maximized if this is the career goal of KEE friends!
6. Take classes that interest you!
Of course, you can also learn via online media during this pandemic where various classes are available to broaden your knowledge, make sure you take classes that are always of interest to you!
7. Find your character
Every photographer definitely has a field of interest so that when an individual learns about their character they will definitely have more potential, maybe you can start from what field/type of photography do you like? But remember, finding character requires a process and practice!
8. Invest properly
Of course, gear is often the main concern for KEE friends, but what is more important is investing in TIME, whether it be in the form of training, taking classes or even studying on forums.