Harga Temen

Friend's Price

Source : Twitter/plastikmicin

For KEE friends who have experienced an incident similar to the one above, you must be cursing again now... Let's discuss it...

Is the photo business really that cheap that many people think "Well, that's all, why is it so expensive?"; "The proof is that many people are willing to offer that price, your price is too high..."

Sometimes when we are just starting a business, in the early days we can also provide promotions or even freebies in order to gain experience and a portfolio that we can later use to sell. Hey, how are you?

So, in the world of photography, what clients see is the results of your photos, whether they match their tastes and desires. So, if you don't have a portfolio yet but you've set a high price, of course no one will believe you... So in the early days there's nothing wrong with giving a promotion for your portfolio in your next project. You could say, this is an example of a photo. The price is 5 million for someone like this... (Even though the previous client didn't necessarily pay 5 million)..

Source : unsplash

There are also people who like to say, "Oh, you can do that, the price is cheap, the results are good and the experience is great." Sometimes, if you're in a pinch, you can take something, KEE Friends, rather than not having anything at all, even though inside your heart you're screaming... But if you're not in a pinch, maybe you can try to explain.. (Ps: But don't get stuck too often, it'll end up happening later. ruining the market, poor other photographers).

1. Invest in a camera

Certainly a camera is a must have, whether you rent it or own it. Not only do you have to have quite a lot of capital, but also the depreciation price of the camera is a bit painful, right? Buy it this year, sell it next year, the value could drop by more than 10%, depending on the brand and type of camera.

2. Invest in camera equipment

Well, it looks small, but the price isn't small, right? Starting from lenses, tripods, camera bags, flashes and so on...

Source : unsplash

3. Computer investment

After the photo is finished, it must be processed again on the computer.  Yes, on your cell phone, especially if it's a video... The investment value is no less expensive than a camera, you know!

4. Workplace investment

For some people who already have their own workplace, it can give a professional and trustworthy impression. But besides that, there are additional costs that need to be paid, electricity, office rent for example.

5. Invest in improving skills

No matter how good you are, you definitely need to update the skills and knowledge you have. There are many methods that can be used but of course it costs money...

Source : unsplash

6. Investment maintains mood

For people who work in the world of art, including photography, maintaining a good mood is very important. To get ideas and creativity, maintaining the mood also requires effort, of course, and it's not all free, of course. I'm not making this up, but try to imagine that if you're not in the mood, bored, don't have any ideas, the results of your photos will automatically be affected, right?

7. Transportation investment

Everyone definitely needs transportation, whether rented or owned, there will definitely be costs involved. Don't take this one lightly..

Does that mean you can't ask a friend for a price or haggle if you want a photo?

That's not it, KEE friends, you can bargain but it's still within reasonable limits. A friend's price is fine if you are willing to give a friend's price or want to give him a promotion, but if your friend claims to be a friend, he should support you by paying the price asked, unless the price asked is really unreasonable. For example, KEE friends are really forced to take the deal, don't blame yourself if you're in a bad mood when taking the photo and the photos aren't good either... Sometimes there's nothing wrong with the slogan, there's money, there's goods... ;)

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