Komposisi Framing Pada Fotografi

Framing Composition in Photography

You must have heard of framing compositions. This composition is one of the basic compositions in the world of photography where we position the object so that it is surrounded by other elements and looks like it is in the frame. We can give dimensions to photos so they look more attractive. Apart from that, framing can provide context to the photo as if it provides an explanation to the person who sees the photo.

Source : http://belfot.com/komsisi-framing/

To create photo framing, you can use various existing objects such as tree branches, windows and building structures. The frame does not have to be on all four sides of the photo, but can guide the viewer to focus on the object of the photo. Apart from that, you can make people curious and curious about the photo and they can imagine what is behind the frame.

Source : https://infotografi.com/komsisi-fotografi-framing/
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