Tips Fotografi Fashion (Part 1)

Fashion Photography Tips (Part 1)

Fashion photography is quite interesting to discuss, right? There are definitely some tips you can try when taking photos. Here are the tips:

1. Calm and focused

When taking photos, you need to be calm and stay focused so that you can execute the ideas that you have thought of beforehand well. If you are not calm and don't look confident, it will affect your model.

2. Focus on clothes and beauty

Fashion photography usually focuses on clothing and beauty. Things you need to do to make the clothes you want to photograph stand out. Make sure you choose other supporting elements such as make-up and hairdo that match your clothes.

3. Trending poses

Pose also plays an important role in photography. You can look for inspiration for current pose trends so that your photos look relevant and not old-fashioned.

4. Studio use

Using a studio in this type of photography is highly recommended because you can directly adjust the desired lighting regardless of the weather. Please be careful with unwanted shadows so that they do not appear in the photo.

5. Create your own studio

If using a studio is still not affordable, you can try making your own studio. You can use the existing room. It would be better if there is a window big enough so that there is enough light and you can hang a white cloth on the window to make the light softer.

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